Enviro-Syn® HCR-6000®

Brand: Fluid Energy Group
Does not ship to OH, United States

Enviro-Syn® HCR-6000® is an eco-friendly product that minimizes the hazardous exposure levels, corrosion rates and negative HSE properties of hydrochloric acid while maintaining the solubilizing ability and reactivity rates. 

A patented Modified Acid™ technology, this powerful product has similar solubilizing abilities of 15% HCl (concentrate) and is an ideal replacement for conventional acids.
  • Ultra-high thermal stability to 220°C (430°F)
  • Minimal Ca/Fe precipitation at high pH levels
  • Non-corrosive to the skin
  • Ultra-low metal corrosion effects
  • Low vapor pressure / minimal fuming
  • Class 1 acid package
  • Readily-biodegradable (OECD 306)
  • Compatible with typical elastomers

  • Scale or mineral deposit removal
  • Cleaning of pipes, heat exchangers, boilers, RO membranes
  • Refineries
  • Water cooling facilities
  • Industrial or municipal plants
  • Desalination plants
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