Enviro-Syn® HCR-3000®

Brand: Fluid Energy Group
Does not ship to OH, United States

Enviro-Syn® HCR-3000® is a proprietary, eco-friendly Synthetic Acid™ technology that has comparable solubilizing abilities of mineral acids, but with zero halogen content. It is a strong, non-fuming, non-oxidizing acid alternative, and can be enhanced through the addition of conventional oilfield chemistry.
  • Non-chloride acid system
  • Safe on chrome and chrome plating
  • High temperature stability (> 180°C)
  • Non-corrosive to the skin
  • Non-fuming
  • Non-regulated for transport by land, sea and air

  • Scale or mineral deposit removal
  • Replacement for conventional acids
  • Fracturing spearheads
  • Matrix squeezes/soaks
  • Cement removal


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